What was wrong with them, was it the hair, yuck… please, sometimes (and I can clearly recall this once when one of my teachers was yelling at one of the boy’s in my class, and warning him that if he didn’t get his haircut today, she’d be doing it for him tomorrow—right there in front of the entire class, and I had no idea at the time what the big deal was, but now) I just want to take a pair of scissors and start snipping away at this guy (sic), I mean, seriously.
And it was during that time that something caught my eye… I don’t know why, I think it was the way she looked; she had these teeth that were kind of different, kind of big and maybe a bit uneven, but did she care—hell no, cos she was up there posting her youtube videos making fun of the Bibette, and not really giving a damn about what others had to say when they would come across her vids… and boy did they come, herds of ‘em—all crying foul by actually making fun of her teeth, the sycophants.
But that made me like her even more, especially when I saw her video and realized how talented she was, and considering the fact that [I] wet my pants at even the thought of being criticized… I mean, it was just her in front of the camera with a few friends, but the words that were coming out of her mouth were priceless, and then I found out that one of the “friends” in her video was actually her sister, twin that too, but fraternal and not identical. So it must be something in their genes, cos she’s just as talented as her sister, only difference is hers lies in literature (she likes reading Bukowski, among other things), and her sister’s inclined towards making film—I think she’s in film school right now.
Oh, and she’s from… no, not India, but… Toronto, where else. :/ And I have absolutely zero chance of ever meeting her, but I thought, what the hell—you have a computer, and she’s on youtube, so why not shoot her a mail and tell her how much you enjoyed her video… yeah, well, that mail turned out to be a three page essay that I ended up sending her, and a couple of days later, when she hadn’t replied—I thought I was being such a jerk, and totally forgot about the whole thing, regretting the fact that I’d actually mailed her (a total stranger) for god’s sake…
But then, only a few days later, when I’d come back from my trip to Mumbai, I thought I’d check up on my mail, and then I go to my youtube page to play a few tunes, and ohmygod—someone’s replied—and it’s her! It’s just a couple of sentences—her explaining to me that she’s sorry for the late reply, but she hardly ever uses the site to communicate with people, and that she was curious about what I had to say and where I was from, and that was all I needed to hear, by god, cos that ended up igniting such a fire under my ass that I was off to the races again, and I think that this (mis)adventure lasted me a couple of months at least… she replied again, once, but that was it…
And me, sending her reams and reams of my mails, with maybe a couple of lines of hers, was definitely sending her the wrong vibes… alarm bells going off really. (((No, this guy is definite trouble, stay away from him))) Haha, I’m surprised she didn’t end up blocking me or something, so I can really appreciate her for that, but it was only a couple of weeks later that I had a similar altercation with a good friend of mine… it was funny, cos just a few weeks ago when I’d told her about Madelyn (she was the only one I’d told it to, until now) she told me that the best advice she could offer was that, in her opinion, long distance relationships rarely last, especially if it’s between countries, and you had two whole continents to cover over here, but maybe you’ll have better luck.
I told you she was a nice friend! At the time I actually thought that Mad was going to reply, sooner or later, so took what my friend had to say with buckets of salt… of course, how was I supposed to know that she was going to be SO right, and me, totally wrong. (If I do end up going to Canada some day, you know, when I’m rich and famous—Toronto is going to be at the top of my list, and I’ll definitely have to meet her and tell her I was the idiot bothering her from India, and then she’ll probably call the cops on me. :)) But what was even more surprising was to know that this is exactly how my friend and I would be parting ways… well, my friend really, and me pushing her to it with my incessant manic depression.
I miss her… as a friend of course. She’s almost engaged to be married now; she’s a couple of years elder to me (not that that matters); and I love just about everything about her… which is a lot, really, and I have no problem revealing that, but I might end up disclosing her identity if I did. (((Metachat, do you think I should maybe try and make contact with her again, and if so—how?))) My birthday’s coming up in a few days, and I’d really like to hear her voice again—which, surprisingly, I never have—but I don’t know why I feel as if I have, since all we’ve done is write back and forth… but the convos, oh god, the conversations… good, bad and Ugly—they were unforgettable, and I miss that. (((I miss her.))) She was like my elder sister; I wish she was my elder sister.
And I just thought I’d post one of Justin’s songs here to make my case (and check out whether he is as bad as I thought he was, and even though this is a fast-forwarding of one of his numbers) it’s almost a replica of the hilarity that’s to ensue if you were to watch him singing at regular speed… and something for my friend; she liked the songs that I’d listened to in my youth, and would remember watching them as well, so we had that in common at least… this one’s for her. (((And these as well)))