I had taken my mother to the eye clinic today, or rather, what I should be saying is my Mother and I went to see the eye doctor yesterday to keep the appointment which we had made the day before (and I had promised her I would keep, no matter what, depression or none—I would surely be taking her there). And so I was up within a second of my mom waking me, even though I’d gotten a two hour sleep, brushed my teeth/changed my clothes/and out the door by a quarter to ten. The consultation was for ten o’ clock.
I think I’d already written this down somewhere, here, or maybe on my Facebook page, but the clinic’s pretty close by to my house—maybe a ten minute drive, and so by the time we’d gotten there, parked the car and gone inside—it was ten o’ clock, and the place was deserted, except for the guy in reception who took us in and noted down mom’s name and asked her to take a seat: the doctor would be with her in a couple of minutes… so, what started off as a wait of maybe half an hour, tops, turned out to be a wait of almost one and a half; the doctor was busy with a surgery inside, and by the time we’d gotten in—it was a half past 11.
But it was an enjoyable enough wait; the doctor has some nice posters put up on his walls, one of which was a description of every religion (like Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and one on swami Vivekanada) on his wall… I was getting a bit restless, like I always do, so told my mother that I’d go across the road to the bakery here and have a coke… the mechanic who we come to is just next door, and so I’ve become pretty accustomed to the local geography of the place by now.
But you know what the good news was, upon returning, my mother was called in and had her eyes checked, and ended up getting a clean bill of health; she didn’t need to get anything done for the next two years at least. Except take good care of her eyes, which I thought we would be doing for her, going in for the operation to remove her Cataract, but she didn’t seem to have any for the time being at least. I think I was worried more about someone being allowed to poke into her eyes than she was, because of these other pictures on the wall that the good doctor had up which showed how you’d see if you had any one of the misalignment’s… Cataract, Myopia, Hyperopia, and a host of others…